Kitty Kat
"Kaos your afraid of the Kitty Kat!" My co-worker said, as a girl had just walked by and rather close to me I might add. She was so close I could smell her breath if I wanted to. My co-worker went on to say how I should have hopped on that and got her number. Number 1, I like Penis, my own and maybe urs if you are lucky. Number 2, I like penis. Number 3, the chick was a buttaface scallywag. So as my co-worker and I are having this discussion. My other co-worker whom I shall call Soul-Glo, because his hair is always greasy as hell, was walking by and my co-worker askes him, "You think Kaos is afraid of the The Kitty Kat?" Soul Glo, laughing a bit too hard,replies," I wouldn't doubt it!" Mind you I think Soul-Glo is gay him damn self. I don't give two shits that he does have a girlfriend. The over processed hair, contacts, and mascara, tell a different story, so I was immediately defensive that this bitch would try to call me out.
You are the biggest PUSSY I know, yet u are trying to call me out on my shit? Nah my brother it ain't even going down like that. Sad part is, no more than an hour later, was he back to his subtle, weird flirting with me.
Why do muthafuckas care what I do or who I am, if I am not fucking you, it's none of your damn business! My question to you all is:
Why do gay men feel the need to try and out other gay men? Mind you this kind of shit has happened BEFORE.
Why do gay men feel the need to try and out other gay men? Mind you this kind of shit has happened BEFORE.
I don't know ..Good damn question though
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I just read your other post about the incident that happened at Red Lobster. That is hillarious.
Faces? (LOL) Didn't they demolished that building or the one next to it?
Funny as hell.
Gay people who try to "out" others are miserable with their own lives. Misery enjoys company. Maybe the way that they came out wasn't a pleasant experience for them. So, they make it their mission to make others just as miserable.
If you are out, find a happily "out and proud" person. You will notice that they could care less about whether "so and so" is out or in the closet. In most cases they will not even bother trying to out that person.
It is the total opposite with what I call, "The Miserable Gay". This person spits venom at anyone whose family is accepting of them being gay, has both straight and gay frieinds, and is happy.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
When you find out, tell me. But why didn't you call him out on his fashion choices?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
It was all just flirting. Him all in your business was just his way of saying "I want you".
and Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaa for penis- boooooooooooooooo for buttafaced scallywags. lol
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I would read a post that I can't answer because I am a st8 female, LOL!
People in general are just nosey!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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