I Can't Stand That BITCH Sallie Mae!
When I was in grade school I was taught in order to make it through life, you have to finish high school, then go to college. After college you will get a good job and make good money. Well them MUTHAFUCKAS LIED! I graduated almost 2 years ago and I have yet to find a permanent "good paying job". It really is HARD OUT HERE FOR A PIMP, when you trying to get this money for the rent. I have been on a total of 4 interviews this summer only to find out I'm OVERQUALIFIED, what kind of bullshit is that?! That obviously means I can do the job, it doesnt take a scientist to use a computer, type up bullshit memos, work with the public, and answer phones. I have now begun to search for jobs that pay well and are not technically in my major of studies. To be honest I'm not caring right now, I just NEED & WANT MONEY.
I feel like I am being punished for furthering my education. My biggest hassle and problem these days is a BITCH named SALLIE MAE. SALLIE MAE LOANS. I owe that BITCH almost 30 G's for going to college. Im gonna need you to gimme 50 feet Sallie Mae. You will get your money when I get a job, until then stop sending me little cutesy booklets to keep track of my payments. I feel like one of those prostitutes from HBO's documentary Hookers At The Point, and Sallie Mae is straight pimping my black ass! It feels like I'm about to be pimp slapped at any moment. Sallie Mae I ain't got the money, business been kind of slow, tricking just aint paying what it use to.
How am I suppose to save money and pay this bitch Sallie Mae? Well Sallie Mae had some suggestions on how I could pay them and live off the change I have left over.
- You can save money if you …
- Restrain yourself—no impulse purchases.
- Go to movies with matinee prices or rent a video.
- Buy clothes you can machine wash; dry cleaning bills add up.
- Use the discount coupons that department stores mail out.
- Go online when making travel plans—the savings are often substantial.
- Take advantage of free entertainment, like a visit to a museum or park.
BULLSHIT! I will not live my life according to Sallie Mae, the clothes on my back and my toys (ipod, cellphone etc) are all I have left, and besides that I have to PRESERVE MY SEXY!
PAYING BACK COLLEGE LOANS SUCK!!!!! Especially when u are not making even 1/3's of what you owe. FUCK U SALLIE MAE...Happy Monday Everybody..:)
See, that's why I got gubment loans. A brotha consolidated at 4.5% right after I graduated. Sallie Mae be f*cking folks up.
Monday, September 11, 2006
LOL!!! This is too funny, but I feel your pain. I didn't mess with Sallie, I got her uncle William Ford and they liable to send you the same damn statement twice a week. As if the balance changed between Monday and Thursday. I have yet to find a job either, but to keep them from impending those car-like payments on me I got back in school lol I got tired of doing the month to month forebearance and having them ask me are you prepared to make next months payment.... UMMM NO I'm just going to call you again this time next month. lol Anyway keep your head up and sallie mae's cane out your ass.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I am with you man! That Hoe Sallie Mae is a trip!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
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