A beautiful struggle with ONE's self

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My Saving Grace

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm grateful and appreciative for my life, but do u ever wake up some days just mad or sad for no reason? That's how I feel today. It could be a lot of obvious things, like the fact that I am single and keep making eye contact with very attractive men and then...nothing or could it be the fact that Noah's Arc is a repeat tonight..Damn u LOGO. Deep down I know the real reason why I'm feeling down is because it feels like I'm losing my best friend.

Good friends, are few, far, and in between, I think that's how the saying goes. I have some friends, a lot of associates, but only 2 best friends. One of my best friends happens to be a female, whom I've known since 2nd grade. She was the prettiest girl in my class, and every boy had a crush on her including me. I remember writing her love letters and proclaiming my undying love for her on more than one occasion when I was in grade school. But now we are adults and she has a real love, a new boyfriend.

She has had boyfriends before while I have had girlfriends, but this time it seems so much different. I rarely see her anymore, let alone do anything together. We only communicate via email or telephone and its just not the same. I like her new boyfriend, he cool peeps, but sometimes I selfishly wish they would break up. I know that's mean, but it is what it is. I hate how some friends get new boyfriends or girlfriends, and seem to forget about their friends in the process. Every waking moment, every concern, every word, every thought, and everything becomes about that significant other. They become less of a friend and more of couple. They become one brain with only one thought between the two of them. I know I know, if I had a love life of my own, I wouldn't be concerned with anyone elses, but I don't so fuck all that. I am happy for my friend, I just miss the girl who's the GRACE to my WILL.


Blogger dugla said...

C'mon now! A real best friend will be happy if you're happy/vice-versa. if she really is neglecting, she's not acting like a best friend. I wouldn't be mad i guess, but that does kinda amplify the lonley part...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Blogger That Dude Right There said...

You sound like Joan on "Girlfriends," but I do know how you feel. I have lost a few friends to monogamy. But as soon as it's over, they come running back.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Blogger Waddie G. said...

I have experienced the same...I think some people are weak when they feel like that they can't be with their friends when they got a significant other...part of me doesn't respect them, but I do welcome them back...I'm a softy! LOL

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Blogger admin said...

That Dude Right There said it just right.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


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