A beautiful struggle with ONE's self

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Supermarket, SuperBITCHES

I’ve been a cashier at the grocery store for a minute now, and I hate it with a passion. The people I work with are cool, but the customers suck!! Most of the customers are white, middle to upper class people who think cashier is another word for servant. I come encounter with some of the biggest assholes on a regular basis. Some of the customers who come through my line act like they are at a drive-thru window and began dishing out all these demands left and right. I am sick of working with the public, at least in a grocery store environment. I probably just have a case of the PINK PEOPLE. Since people don’t know how to act, I guess I have to spell it out, so just follow along.
  • I consider myself to be a very polite dude. My momma didn’t raise no fool. I fucking hate though, when I greet a customer by saying “HELLO” and their only response is I WANT PAPER!” I guess you are just waaayyyy to busy to acknowledge me. You’re SOOOO BUSY! You’re SOOO BUSY!
  • I don’t understand customers who complain about the line being long, but when I get to them and I’m ready to check them out, they are not even fucking prepared. They take forever writing the check out or finding their credit card. HAVE YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!, before you get to the front of the line.
  • The rule in most grocery stores is to card anyone who looks to be under the age of 30. I don’t understand for the life of me, why people who look like they could be HARRIET TUBMAN’S mother or father, attempt to show their I.D when buying liquor or get mad when I don’t card them.
  • I fucking hate when customers come in the store, thinking we owe them something. I don’t understand when people come in and buy a shit load of groceries and they have their 3 big ass teenage sons with them, and have the fucking nerve to ask the bagger for help out to the car with their groceries. WHY THE FUCK do you need help out?? Have your fucking LAZY ASS KIDS help you with your groceries!!!
  • I don’t know what it is, but for some reason in my line, I always get the black people who are notorious for writing bad checks. I can easily spot them now, because they always buy the same thing, CONDOMS, BEER, and CHICKEN. Then, when I go to run the check thru, it’s denied. STOP THE MADNESS!
  • If your order comes to a total $20.38 and you give me $21.00, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT wait until I tender in $21.00 to then say “Oh I got .35 cents. THAT SHIT IRKS THE FUCK OUT OF ME!
  • Finally, I respect my elders and all that jazz, but enough is enough. It seems like every person over 50 who comes in my line, has back problems, just had surgery on a leg, foot, eye etc. and they always say the same thing. “I want double paper and make them light!” WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT OF THAT???!!!If you want the bags light, why not just use the plastic bags, which have handles on them!!!

So all I ask is that next time you go into a grocery store and you have a “nice cashier” which is rare in most places, just try to treat them a little better and acknowledge their presence. It’s not an easy job so just be a little more appreciative.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god, this is so me when I worked at kmart!!! i hated the damn customers!!! all those uppity assholes made me sick. Why is it when white people see black they immediately begin actin like massa? i came THISCLOSE to cussin some bitch out for that.

if i were you i'd quit. i left kmart and i do not regret it for a moment. don't wait for another job, leave the grocery store now! it is not doing you any good

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Replace "grocery store" with "box office" and that was my job in college. God, I don't miss that shit for anything in the world.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmn...it's good to read it from this perspective.

The way you wrote this was funny too. I was cracking up "You're soooo busy"

I support it.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Blogger That Dude Right There said...

This remind me of my experience at Wal-Mart Supercenter in Norfolk. I forgot that it was the 1st of the month and food stamp day all in one. People were giving the cashiers hell. But me having worked in hotel, tried to cheer mine up by talking to her.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Blogger @GaryTylone said...

I feel you...I always treat cashiers with respect and courtesy, there's no reason not to. But you know sometimes cashiers are the slowest EVER! Gimme my change so I can catch my bus!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Blogger admin said...

I did my share of customer service jobs during high school and college. I'd rather be retired, but until then, I hope I don't have to do a customer service job again.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


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