A beautiful struggle with ONE's self

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Stupid Cupid

Music: Don't Disturb This Groove- Ready for the World

Yesterday I must have checked out at least 100 people all buying cheesy Valentine’s Day cards, balloons, flowers, etc. Mainly people seemed to be buying condoms and chocolate. Since when does chocolate=a sure bet of getting some sex. I have never been a big fan of Valentine’s Day, at all. I don’t believe it in. It’s a big fat scam if you ask me. If you’re a so-called happy couple in love, then why do you need to have a day to recognize it, you should celebrate your love everyday.

Half of the people who are buying all these elaborate gifts are not even buying them for their significant others, they are buying them for the mistress. I guess it makes since, since the mistress is the one who’s sucking your dick, of course you wouldn’t want to jeopardize weekly blowjobs. If I sound bitter, I’m not. I just refuse to celebrate a day where a white, little, chubby boy with a perm gone badly shoots you in the ass with an arrow. If I want to get to shot in the ass I’ll just go hunting with Dick Cheney.


Blogger Waddie G. said...

I kinda agree with you, but I say instead of dissing V-Day, let's find a way to make money off of it...like the greeting card business.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Blogger admin said...

I stayed home and cooked dinner for myself and graded papers.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


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